Sunday, December 31, 2017

Summer Learning Journey! (5)

In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average of seven to nine children.  Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings.

On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Why or why not?

There is many good and not so good sides to having a big family. It would be harder to spend time with each individual sibling, as well as with you parents. A good side is there would be a lot of hand - me - downs and it would be great for games with your family. Imagine playing a big outdoor game of cricket, or soccer. You probably couldn't have a big family game like that if you had a small family.

Summer Learning Journey! (Bonus)

Back in the 1800s, most Māori ate a simple diet. They ate foods that they could catch in the water (eg. fish) or grow on the land (eg. kumara). They did not have access to a supermarket to buy food for their meals!

On your blog, post a picture of your favourite meal. Be sure to tell us what it is and why it is your favourite. You could also include the recipe if you have it so that we can all try it!

My favourite meal is chicken and cranberry pizza!
Image result for chicken and cranberry pizza
The reason why I love chicken and cranberry pizza is because it's really cheesy, and it's got a little bit of sweetness from the cranberry too. Unfortunately I don't have the recipe, so if you want to try it, you can make up your own recipe - or search one up.

Summer Learning Journey! (4)

During the early years in New Zealand, men and women would often marry at a young age. Women were expected to have babies and remain in the home caring for their children. Few, if any, left home in search of work. Men, on the other hand, were expected to work outside of the home.

What is your dream job? Draw a picture of yourself doing your dream job and post it on your blog.

My Drawing:
(I'm not much of a drawer, so I may have stenciled a bit!)

My dream job is to become a professional Show jumper and travel the world on the showjumping circuit, with sponsors helping me getting to where I need to go. I would also shoe horses to help fund the money for my travelling with my horses.

Summer Learning Journey! (3)

In the 1800s, most Māori lived in villages called pa. Each village had many buildings – kauta where people cooked, pataka where they stored goods and wharepuni where the Māori slept. A traditional wharepuni had a thatched roof and walls made of timber, fern, rushes and bark.

The Activity:

On your blog, compare the wharepuni to your own home. What are two similarities and two differences between a wharepuni and your house?

Similarities of my house and a wharepuni:

1. They both have a place to sleep for the whole family.
2. They both have things we need, like food, places to cook, and more.

Differences of my house and a wharepuni:

1. Instead of four walls that a wharepuni has, my house has more walls.
2. My house isn't made out of bark or rushes.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Summer Learning Journey! (Bonus)

To this day, the people of New Zealand still use waka. Instead of using their waka to transport them from one place to another, they sometimes use waka in special events and in sporting competitions such as Waka Ama. Both boys and girls compete in Waka Ama boat races.

Watch this short video of a Waka Ama race. On your blog tell us whether you would like to be in a Waka Ama race one day. Why or why not?

Waka Ama looks extremely challenging. I would love to have a go at this, and the experience of trying this would be amazing. I like how they are all in sync with their group, and everyone looks so focused.

Summer Learning Journey! (2)

The Activity: Imagine that you were on board one of the Waka.
On your blog, write a short letter to a friend telling them about your voyage to New Zealand.
In the letter be sure to tell them how you feel about moving to a new country.

Day 1: Setting Off..
We have just pushed the boat off the shore, I can hear the scraping of the sand on the bottom of my boat slowly disappear into the calm sensation of the water lapping against the sides. There are cries and cheers from the shore, and I search for my family while I wave. There they are! I wave to them vigorously. That will be the last time I see them. The smile on my face disappears as I turn around and help the others. The strong current in the water makes us heave through the water, getting tired by each row we take. I look back, the sun falls in the sky and I can barely make up the Island. Maybe we can't even see it? I miss my family already, I know I am helping them, but I am so homesick. I stop day dreaming and I was shocked and frightened by the noise I hear. The crackle of lightening. We row with all our might, we all want to survive.

Day 10...
We have been surviving on bare necessities and the grumble of my stomach has never stopped. At least I am allowed food. I think to myself. I look around to find nothing, but empty blue sea, which has been nice to us, giving us food for a long time now, but also so cruel to the ones here on this waka, the thundering waves crashing on our heads nearly tipping us over with every wave. I think about the people back on the island, my family and friends, what they are thinking, what they are doing now. I wish I could tell them how much I miss them. My journal is my only hope. When I die, someone will read this and know about what we went through to get to this island. If we even make it. a crew member fell from the waka, after a vicious wave pounded on his head. We couldn't even help him get back on, there was another wave coming and we had to act fast. I hope he will be ok, but with no food, no water I kn- I stopped my self thinking about what would happen. The dreadful consequence. My eyes are falling heavy and I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep. The worst of the waves has passed, now little waves lapping at our side.

Day 20...
The days have been good to us since I last wrote, the bestest weather we've had yet. So far, I know I shouldn't be saying it like this, but only one crew member has fallen into the mouth of the deep blue. I am very thankful that was not me.. We are basically on scraps now for food, and you can all see what having hardly any food has done to us and all the hard work compared. Our water has been running low, and we are all thirsty. If only the sea was fresh water. I haven't written  how I feel about reaching our destination. I have a mixture of feeling I guess, Excited, nervous, worried but also keen for our future. I am worried about if we fail to find water, or food. I just hope we can make it, please can we make it. No more storms, no more...

Day 30... Arrival
"Help!!!" we all scream as the waves crash. I cannot see, nearly pitch black but I can hear the cries. 3 gone from our waka from the first time we set off, and we have 5 more people on board still. I am scared. So scared that more will be taken and I will be the only one left. I make out in the darkness the hugest wave we have ever seen, and slowly rising. I know this will be the end... It feels like the wave hit directly at me, me head knocks the hard wood and I instantly have been knocked out. I awake. I look around and see an island. "We made it! Look over there!!" tears of joy come to my eyes as we cheer. Thick green forestry surrounds the Island. I am so looking forward to getting out of this waka. walking again, my legs feel like they have got bricks on top of them. We have just run out of water - and food. We have a much better chance here. We have made it! I don't think I'll ever feel as happy as I am now. We are home...

Summer Learning Journey! (1)

The Activity: Read a short story about a famous man in Maori  mythology - Maui. On your blog write three facts about what you've learn't about this interesting man! What other stories have you heard about Maui?

Fact 1: When Maui's brothers told him to cut the line from the huge fish, he did not give in and decided he would keep trying.
Fact 2: The Brothers formed the huge mountains in Aoteraroa by cutting huge amounts of flesh from the fish.
Fact 3: When the brothers agreed the should stay, Maui went to Hawaiki, but as soon as he was gone the brothers cut into the fish.

i have heard many stories about Maui, like how Maui slowed the sun, and how Maui brought fire to the world.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On Thursday, mum picked me up early to go to Mcleans Island. There was a showjumping event which is called Christmas Cracker, and the fun thing is that you get to dress up yourself and your horses instead of wearing all of your normal things you are supposed to wear. In the end, I was going to put tinsel on my martingale but unfortunately it came off, but then we did get tinsel on my saddle blanket and my helmet. My outfit was nearly normal compared to some outfits people were wearing. They had an I heart Santa dress, fairy wings, tinsel everywhere, it was amazing. Christmas Cracker was my first event that I was going to do a meter in. It was a big step up for me, because you move up to Ring two, and there was much more fillers and the competition was much harder. Overall I think I did really well and I am much more confident with my showjumping skills, and I am so excited to do some more meters with Skippy in the future!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On Saturday, I rode Skippy, played outside, and Pop ( my granddad ) came over to stay for the weekend. On Sunday, I rode Skippy again, Made the bestest pancakes, and played outside again. In the afternoon, Tara and I went to see the movie, Wonder. In class we read the book, so It would be cool to compare it to the new movie! It was really enjoyable, with some funny moments, with some pretty sad moments too. On Monday, we went to Penny's house, (My equestrian coach) and had a lesson on Skippy there. She was quite full of herself so Penny asked me to take her for a hack while she finished up lessons with the other riders. On the way Skippy had a couple of frights and was backing up. Eventually she calmed down and my sister Tara joined me hacking. After that I went to my lesson, I hadn't jumped Skippy in nearly 2 weeks so I was a little bit nervous, but she was a dream ride. I'm really excited for the showjumping event this weekend, and I'm going to be doing my first meter class!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Statisical Investigation

Last term we carried out a statistical investigation. First, we decided what to do it on, like how many cards do you think there is in this box, and many more. At first I had trouble finding what I wanted to do it on and then I saw the class teddy box. I did my statistical investigation on how many teddies do you think are in the box? 
This is what the data shows:
7 more people had the estimates in the range 10-14 more than the 5-9 range.
No estimates were in the 0-4 range
The most estimates fell in the 10-14 range

Persuasive Writing Speech

During term 3 we have been writing persuasive speeches. First, we chose what to write about, something you are very strong about and believe in most. My topic I was very passionate about was Factory farming must be banned. I used high modality words, facts that relate to each of my points, and different types of sentences to keep the audience listening.

What I could have done better next time:
Clearer voice so everyone can hear me.
Try not to trail off at the end of my sentences.
Stop fidgeting.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Interview With John, Scarlet, Desmond, and Bageletto... Tsunami Warning!

In Ruma J we have been doing a second natural disaster activity and I peered up with Bridget, Jakob and Tylar. This time we got to choose our of tsunami's, earthquakes or the aurora. We all decided to do Tsunami's. We then for our final, creative creation we decided to do a roll play of Tsunami experts; Jakob acting as John, Bridget acting as Bageletto, Tylar acting as Scarlet, and lastly me acting as Desmond. I hope you enjoy, and learn lots of stuff about Tsunami's from our video!

Here is the link to our video!

Tornado Interview With Scarlet Criskit And Desmond Bluebird

What we did:
At school we have been learning about Forces. In my class, (Ruma J) we got to choose out of 3 natural disasters to learn about more ( we chose Tornados!) and then we got to make a creative creation to show our Learning. Tylar and I peered up and we did a news flash about Desmond Bluebird ( Me) and Scarlet Criskit (Tylar) that have just witnessed a tornado! I hope you enjoy!
Here is our video, and I hope you learn lots about... Tornado's!!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On Saturday I had a big clean up in my room because it was really untidy, but Tara's side of the room is still a complete mess. I made an oobleck mixture, and then I wrapped it up in a plastic bag-like ball but then the bag broke and the blue food coloring went everywhere. On Sunday I rode Skippy down in the arena and did a couple of angles and bounces. After that we fed them bale age and their hardfeeds, then we popped on their covers for the night. After that Tara and I decided to go down the bush track with Shadow and we ended up playing Hide and seek, and Shadows really good at it. Tara and I then had stick-wars, I was queen stickness, and Tara was stickity-ness. It ended up Tara chasing me down the hill, I screaming her to stop, because she was chasing me with a stick with two really sharp points from a gorse bush. She kept chabbing me and We decided to have a stickness and stickity-ness tournament on the concrete, because Tara wanted to rule the land of sticks and take my place of Queen. I ended up running inside because I was scared of her. That was my weekend!

Friday, September 8, 2017

WALT: solve word problems involving missing fractions and percentages

Forces Explained!

Short Reflection of ShortStreetLand Ad

For The Past three weeks, we have been recording, acting out, and perfecting our ads. First off we chose our groups, I was in a group with Tylar, Lucy, Kahi, Breagh, Emily. We decided to do a premier for a TV ad Shortstreetland - we got our inspiration from Shortland Street. Here is our official ad:

What went well:
  • I liked how we worked well as a team
  • The camera skills were great, on the perfect angle.
  • We used costumes and props that make sense to the ad
  • It was most definitely dramatic as we expected
  • I liked how we used different areas to suit the scene. 

What we could do better next time:

  • Next time I think we could speed up the ad
  • Next time ad our voices into the clip
  • Make the ad make sense for people who have never seen the tv show, Shortland Street
  • Next time use our time wisely
  • We could make decisions as a team next time, not just the leader]

Thank your Miss J for letting us use the areas of the school. 

Home Links Wk 7

Monday, August 21, 2017

Wheels And Axles!

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about forces. Me and Lucy got to choose one of the six simple machines. We decided to do wheels and axles. Here is what a wheel and axle is, and how we cant live without it!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On one of the weekend's nights (I can't remember which!) there was a big thunderstorm and it woke me and my mum up, but my dad and sister Tara on the other hand are heavy sleepers and they kept on snoring. On Saturday I did some baking and made vanilla cupcakes for the neighbors since we were going to their house for dinner. We had steak pie and lots of veggies. Then on Sunday I went to my rep hockey training and it poored down. I couldn't do much since of my broken arm, but I helped collecting the balls and warming up the goalie.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On Saturday Tara, Mum and I went for a big 2 hour ride around Iveagh Bay. I took Shadow ( the cutest dog), Mum took Stormy her white pony, and Tara took a dun pony called Cricket. As soon as we took Shadow out of the boot of the car, I decided to let him off his lead to chase the ducks or something. But when I let him off; The cute - no - cheeky dog sprinted the opposite direction and ran down to the cars next to the opening to the Te Kinga walk. I had to sprint after him, Trying to persuade him to come back to the float, but he kept running. When I found him, he was running round in the water, waiting for a stick to be thrown. I walked him back, attached the lead again, and then by the time we got back, mum had the horses ready to go. Although the start of the walk didn't go to plan, He was a really good boy on the lead.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Weekend Journal!

On Saturday I didn't do much. Tara and I watched a couple of movies since it was the night before her 9th birthday. On Sunday she woke up and opened her presents; Pony reins, some earrings, and one other thing I forgot! After lunch time, Mum and Tara decided they wanted to go riding. I would usually go riding with them, but I couldn't because of my broken arm so I took Shadow for a walk with them instead. It was a pretty fun weekend.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Writing Response: Demon Dentist!

Darkness has come into town. And evil is behind it. Strange things were being placed underneath childrens pillows...
Demon Dentist by David Walliams is about a brave 12 year old boy called Alfie (whose teeth are disgustingly rotten) is going on a mission with his best friend Gabz to save the world from a horrid dentist called Miss Root. Miss Root has a body like a twig with hair as white as toothpaste in a perfectly lacquered hair do usually seen on the Queens head. She wants to steal all of the children's teeth as soon as possible to make her ‘magical’ tooth lair… Ew! She has a pure white cat called Fang that is her trustworthy sidekick.
Demon Dentist is a fabulous book that has so many intriguing parts, funny, sad, and horrific!
This book by David Walliams is a fabulous book with so many intriguing parts, with missions, adventures and friendship building along the way. One of my favourite parts of the mission to save Alfie’s town, is when he and Gabz come together to discuss the plan to stop the evil dentist. Gabz had made a map showing all the victims houses; with what they were ‘gifted’ under there pillow. For example on the 10th November, Jack Brown received a wasps nest! An intriguing part of Demon Dentist is when the two children stalk Miss Root and lead them down into the old mine and find a ghastly teeth lair, everything made of teeth!
I loved reading this book because it is both crazy, and controlled.  At some points of the story it is totally realistic. One part of the story which I found crazy, is when Winnie the social worker chased poor Alfie all around the huge school on her tiny moped; up stairs, down stairs, down corridors and classrooms! It’s great to have such an exciting storyline, to keep you on your seat and wanting to read more.
Overall Demon Dentist by David Walliams is a book for all ages, both genders, and really brings the screaming fear of dentists, to real life!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Saturday Tara and I went to the movies Despicable Me 3 while mum went grocery shopping. Tara and I thought it was really funny. On Sunday I had under 13' hockey training and my last Music Concert since my teacher is moving away. It was quite tricky to go to my hockey training while the concert was on since my hockey training was at four, and the concert was till three to over five o clock. I made it to training, got into my sport clothes, then after it was finished I zoomed over to the concert, and played with my friend Honor. It was a really fun day. I'm looking forward to my 3 day Equestrian Clinic that I'm doing in the first week of the holidays.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Programming Concepts

As a year 7 student from Lake Brunner School, we have been exploring programming concepts and we are focusing on our friend, the 'for' loop. This means that we don't have to write the same code over and over again, we can be more efficient. We then tried the Maze Challenge and we changed the colours of the maze to personalize it to our liking. We then replaced the 24 lines of code with just 8 lines by putting in this very useful code,

for i in range (0,3):
I got this challenge from

Monday, June 26, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Friday Greymouth Aces ( my team ) had a game versing the other Greymouth team, Greymouth Gold. I scored 3 goals and the final score was 4 nil to my team! On Saturday mum got an email saying I had gotten into West Coast under 13s hockey. Then we went to Westport to see my uncles and aunties and my Granddad. On Sunday I had my first hockey training for West Coast. I really enjoyed it and learnt a few tricks to help me in a game and training. This year for West Coast were going to Christchurch and Nelson.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Friday I had my hockey game. My team (Greymouth Aces) versus Hokitika. This was our second game against them, We won the first, but unfortunately this time it was 2 - 3 to Hokitika. We defiantly are passing more as a team and working together much better when we started the season. On Saturday  I went to my Nanas house to have lunch with my cousins, uncles and aunties. I didn't do much on Sunday.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Programming Concepts

Stacy, my main character has to move around the maze to get to the finish sprite. On the way she encounters some challenges and must persevere to get to the finish line. She can gain points on the way.  Please use up, down, left and right keys to move. I am a year 7 student working on a class project. This is still a work in progress.
You can play the game on the blog and I would love to hear your feedback.
This game has been made on scratch which is an online platform which allows me to drag and drop the code. I am also going to use visual python trinket to make a game using the turtle programme.

Over the last hour I have been working on Python Visual I have discovered how to change the colour, make movement and lots more.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trail Blazer In Space Poem


The Count-down started,
My Adrenalin is on the rise,
The Ground starts Vibrating ,
I am off for better,
or worse...

Silence fills the air around me,
I catch a glimpse of mother,
Excitement and hope fill my heart,
This nightmare may finally be over,
I am going home.

Adrenaline turns to fears,
I am not home,
I am in a concrete jungle,
Disappointment is all I feel...

Time hasn’t changed We have changed over time,
Nothing is going to change if we don’t start Changing It.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the Saturday I didn't do much, I just did some baking and rode my pony with Tara and fought a little bit with her. On Sunday mum went to work so Tara and I did all the baledge and hay feeding for all of the ponies (Stormy, Holly, Cricket and Skippy) so then they could eat and graze all day so they weren't hungry. It took about 2 and a bit hours and it was pretty hard work. Mum feeds them baledge everyday so Tara and I have decided every weekend we will do it so then its easier for mum.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

My Art Response

Title: Storm Cloud Photograph
Photographer: Unknown
Reviewer: Tess Morgan

The Storm Cloud photograph by an unknown artist, shows darkened violet clouds that are lifting and breaking apart exposing bright light and showers of rain. At the bottom of the photograph there is a thick black line with a lighthouse, a few trees and houses too. The photograph looks like it has been taken very far away from the building and trees and is focused on the dark set sky easing into a nice peachy colour at the end.

The Storm Cloud photograph is a lovely picture that has mix of hot and cold colors that fit in nicely together.

This picture is unique because the photographer captured a very special moment in the day, with the clouds gaping to show the rain shining through. The image captures my eye since this is a rare moment, with the weather changing with a significant shine. The dark, cold clouds are gloomy from the storm but as the sky calms, the clouds emerge and break the barrier and brings light to the day.

When I first viewed this artwork, I personally thought that the rain was not there, It looks like sun rays are shining through the clouds, not rain. Through the gaps in the clouds I thought it was the light from the sun that was coming through although the caption on the artwork said it was the rain mixing with the sun to show the light. I think personally that the sun coming from the clouds are shining because it was a dark setting.

I think the storm cloud photograph by an unknown artist, is a soothing photograph that the artist has captured a magnificent moment in time. I would recommend seeing more of these types of magical photos.
May 23, 2017 11:36:05 AM.jpg

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the weekend It was Queens Birthday. On Monday my sister Brydie gave me a lesson on Skippy my pony. It was a jumping lesson so perfecting my my aids going into the jump and slowing down after the jump so then I don't lose control. For my lesson I didn't have to go to pony club this time since my dad has made an arena really good for jumping in so it makes it a lot easier for mum, so she doesn't have to drive into Greymouth all the time. Brydie said my next step is to make sure I have control after the jump incase of another jump in front of me. I am very excited for my next events and the showjumping season coming up!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

WALT: Solve Multiplication Problems Using SWF

Weekend Journal

On Sunday Tara, Mum and I went on a trek at Thomas Brunner Drive. It took over  and hour since there isn't much trotting and cantering spots and mum's horse has just started work. On the way back It was a little bit boring so I decided to annoying mum and Tara with my 'amazing' opera singing. (It's really not amazing). After a while Mum got sick of me singing so high so Tara started singing. On Monday It was cross country day. Ruma J went to Kumara Racing club to do the cross country. The year 7 and 8's did 3k and the year 5 and 6's did 2k. The year 4's had there first cross country day and they ran 1k. Overall I was quite happy with my placing.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Home Links

Dance Styles

This term we are learning how people use the arts to communicate. We have investigated the characteristics of different dance styles, we also practiced our note taking skills. We experimented with each style ourselves, and created our own dance sequences.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Friday I missed school to go to Christchurch for the Rangi Ruru open day. Mum and I arrived at Rangi and we got a bag full of goodies and information about the school we got a tour to show us around. Everyone was really nice and I really enjoyed looking at the school. I think Lake Brunner School is probably about the size of the gymnasium there! My favourite part of the school was the Boarding house. There are so many facilities and sports that I'm interested in and I'm very excited to potentially go there.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Bowl A Fact Maths Learning

Weekend Journal

On the Saturday morning of the weekend Mum, Brydie, Tara ( my sisters ) and I went to Christchurch for a horse event. Brydie took Fizz her horse, and I took Skippy my pony. On the way to Christchurch we took a stop at the Sheffield pie shop for lunch and then continued driving to Rangiora pony club to practice our phases in the event, Dressage and Cross country. The next day was the horse event at Amberley Pony club. After Dressage, I got 11th place and Brydie got 2nd place in her class. There were seven classes, I was in the 7th class, with my friend Charlotte. Brydie was in the 1st class. Overall in the 3 phases, Dressage, Show jumping, and Cross country, I got 6th and Brydie got 1st! She won $100 dollars and a tail bag for Fizz.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Home Links!

For home links this week I did dance styles / actions on my pony Skippy, and my sister Tara and her pony Cricket. The video is full of wacky dance styles... Like you've never seen before! I hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Friday night Bridget and I had our first hockey game of the season. We were versing Karoro. The hockey games are once a week either on Thursday or Friday, and the Greymouth team has 2 teams since there is too many subs. The two team names are Aces, and Vikings. My sister Tara is in the Vikings, and my friend Bridget is in the Aces team with me. We won our first hockey game. in the first half of the game Karoro was in the lead with 2 goals. Then in the second half I scored 2 goals, the first one was really lucky because the ball hit the post on the edge of the goal! I missed a couple of goals too, but then my teammate Jordan scored another one to put us into first! At the end I got player of the day, and I was really proud.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Narrative learning: Francis

This term Ruma J has been writing narratives. We didn't have really any boundaries or rules to who the characters were -  (that's what I liked most!) Some of the class used the Game Of Awesome (GOA) to get their story; but I used the literacy shed because it has a lot of variety. I hope you enjoy me reading my story to you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the weekend I had a hockey 6 people on a time game ( I've forgotten what it's called! ), and the weather wasn't the nicest. I scored 2 goals and I was happy how I played. On Sunday, Mum, Tara and I went for a big 3 hour ride at the state farm next to my friend, Emily Jane's house on Sunday. My dad made the track to get to the actual ride, so then we don't have to go on the main road with the horse float.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Saterday Mum, Tara, Skippy and Cricket ( the horses ) and I went to Westport for an ODE. ODE's is short for one day events. It involves dressage, showjumping and cross country. I entered Skippy and Cricket in 65cm. This was my last event on Cricket because I'm nearly too big for him. Mum and I thought it was quite ironic because I got 1st on Cricket, and I was very proud, and 2nd on Skippy! It was a very successful weekend, but I still don't want to get off Cricket.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekend Journal

After school on Saterday, Mum Tara and I left to go to Christchurch for the Canterbury Champs. The Canterbury Champs is a showjumping 3 day event held at Mcleans Island, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I entered my two ponies, Skippy and Cricket In the 60 to 70cm showjumping on the two day Saturday and Sunday, and a novelty event that was the pony mini grand prix that was a little bit bigger than 80cm high, and the spreads were about 80cm wide. It was a speed round of 13 jumps. I got 3rd in that and I was thrilled. It was by far my favourite weekend.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the weekend on Saturday, we had nothing on until the 5:00 for a horse lesson so we had a chill out day for once. Then at 5:00 we went into Greymouth pony club and my oldest sister Brydie gave me a lesson. The lesson involved jumping strategies, and getting my confidence up. On Sunday I did the New World Coast Kids Triathlon with my friend Tylar. I did the 200 metre swim, and Tylar did the 8 k bike and 1.5 k run. We had heaps of fun, and at the end we got a medal, a drink bottles. I had heaps of fun and I hope to do the next triathlon next year.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Science Road Show Reflection

On the 14th of March Ruma J went for a 35 minute drive to Grey High for a Science Road Show. It was supported by Science Alive!  and Ministry of Education. In the first show they talked about liquid nitrogen and dry ice. They got a flower and dipped it in the cup of liquid nitrogen. The host pulled it out again and all the petals started to shatter all around the table. That was my favorite of the 1st show. We stayed there for 2 shows. I enjoyed the 2nd show the best. The Road show hosts looked at 1 drop of pond water under a microscope and little tiny bugs were creeping around in the water. But from our eyes it was just 1 drop of clean water! Between the 2 shows we saw we had a 30 minute break to look at lots of little exhibits around the room. My favourite one was looking under a huge microscope and seeing lots of little samples of interesting items. The downside I had that there were lots of people and it was hard to see all of the exhibits I wanted to. I had a really fun time and I'm looking forward to seeing it again!
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Bowl A Fact

Mar 8, 2017 10:01:56 AM.jpg

For this sessions maths learning we did bowl a fact. I got quite a lot of numbers but it was quite tricky for me. I look forward to doing this again and getting better at it.

Monday, February 27, 2017

My weekend

On Saturday, I woke up at 7:30 to go to a hockey clinic with my friend Bridget. Bridget had just started hockey and this was my second year. We had 2 instructors called Maddie and Ata. I learnt heaps of new skills and refreshed some. It went till 1 in the afternoon. After that Mum couldn't bring Bridget home because we had to help Granddad on the farm baling hay. We did one paddock and we had to pick up over 30 bales of hay! I learnt to drive Granddads manual car, so I had to change gears, hold the clutch down and steer. I really enjoyed driving the car and helping Granddad and the hockey clinic.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ukulele Your Welcome

For the past 2 weeks Theo, Breagh, and I have been working on Your Welcome by Dwayne Johnson and it's also in the movie, Moana. It was quite hard to get all in unison but we got there in the end.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the Friday after school Mum and I went into town to do some tennis games. I won both games in singles and doubles. On Saturday  Mum went to work so Dad, Josh, Tara and I went out on the lake. We did some Ringoing but then the biscuit deflated! We didn't really know what happened so we just went snorkeling instead.

Monday, February 13, 2017

My Weekend Journal

On Saturday I went to do some Showjumping In Kokatahi. I took two ponies:  Skippy and Jiminy Cricket. I got Cricket about 2 years ago and I'm getting a bit big for him so now I'm taking on my bigger sisters pony. I entered in 65cm on Skippy and Cricket and 75cm on Cricket. I got 2nd On Skippy and 3rd on Cricket. I was very proud of my ponies. At 75cm on Cricket I got 1st! I learnt a lot about my ponies that day and I got much more confident jumping them.