Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Old Ghost Town, Waiuta.

The Old Ghost Town, Waiuta.
By Tess Morgan

Located just inland on the West Coast of New Zealand, lies the well known ghost town, Waiuta. Despite the broken down houses and the eerie sense, Waiuta once thrived amongst shops, mines and everyday town life.

Waiuta evolved over many great years of mining, throughout deathly health causes, and through the statistics of population.

Gold processing, Snowy Battery in Waiuta

How Waiuta Formed

Before the shops and sports teams, the town of Waiuta started when four adventurers discovered the Birthday Reef of gold on the upper sweep of the Blackwater Stream.

Closely after, they then sold the land rights to a businessman for $500 (approximately $30,000 in today’s money), more than enough for living comfortably throughout the years. After proving that the stream was more than it seemed, the first mineshaft named Blackwater Shaft opened in the year 1908, with a depth of 563m deep, finishing off with the Prohibition mineshaft years later.

Left lung with Silicosis, Right lung healthy. 

Early Deaths of Miners, Caused By Silicosis

With the many great outcomes in the mining industry, a sickness known as the deathly Silicosis caused stress among many workers each day.

The miners job is to extract the gold within mounds of quartz, by drilling a hole into the reef, then packing it with explosives to break it apart.

Although, the mining space was cramped and by working the rock apart, disastrous crystalline silica filled the air, causing the disease called Silicosis.

Silicosis, also known as Miners Phthisis is a form of lung disease transmitted by inhaling crystalline silica, a common dust found in mining environments. 

Once the crystalline silica is in the lungs, it takes the role of scar tissue, which then makes it hard for oxygen to reach this key organ.

Unfortunately, there is no found cure to Silicosis, and the disease only gets worse; leading to shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pains and even cancer. From all around the world, this disease has killed over 2000 people from 1999 to 2013. Silicosis also took a toll on the Waiuta.

Local Barbershop 

Population of Waiuta

From 1906 to the 1930’s, the population of Waiuta thrived through their shops, sports teams, and it’s sociable image. Easily accessible from SH 7 near Ikamatua, Waiuta attracted many’s attention, and the population reached the peak of 600.

Although, in the year 1951, the Blackwater Shaft collapsed from excessive extracting and could no longer be pumped for water and gas which was vital for the mining industry.

The company who owned the shaft decided it would be placing workers lives in danger to reopen, so they closed down the shaft and the town was left abandoned, as there was no more work for residents.

Just inland of the West Coast in the South Island, Waiuta still has some sturdy houses, however the bush is slowly reclaiming of what used to be the town.

The story of Waiuta is about harsh working environments, miners deaths, the popular sports teams, and the shops in what used to be a thriving community.
The Blackwater Shaft

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kiwi Reflection

After a 40 minute car trip into the heart of Paparoa Range; our class Ruma C emerged through the car door to reveal a two metre high predator free fence, with a Kiwi Sanctuary logo dead centre.

Leading us through the gate, our expert Joe gestured us into a miniature compartment decorated with pictures, signs and short descriptions of her volunteer job. Handling the precious Kiwi feathers and a rough, but smooth egg shell; Joe spoke with genuine love and integrity of the beautiful Kiwi; telling many facts about habitat loss, egg laying and territorial calls.

After our quick chat, we walked with purpose downhill across a creek while Joe scuttled threw the immense gorse to give a health check on one of her Great Spotted Kiwi.

as we waited for Joe to come back with the kiwi, we began exploring their habitat inside the sanctuary. After a few hopeful moments later, we saw Joe walking calmly towards us with something squirming inside a blue bag. As she reached the bottom of the hill she sat down on the damp, mossy grass, rummaging her hands gently inside the bag and out revealed a gorgeous kiwi. Cradling the soft, beautiful creature in her arms, the kiwi squirmed but Joe held him gently as she weighed the bird to check it’s health.

Personal Comment:
Overall our trip to see the Kiwi's was a one in a million event, and to have been standing half a meter away from such an amazing bird, I would love to do it over and over again. Also, thank you to our teacher of Ruma C: Dean, for making this happen.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Weekly Reflection

I enjoy being told what to do when it is learning at school, but since the learning environment has changed as Dean came to LBS,  I learned to adapt to changes and got on with my SDL. In some ways I do want to go back to being told what to do and when to do it; although I enjoy learning within Dean's perspective of education. Sometimes I do get a bit confused on what to do when I don't have much to get on with, but I end up with a way of getting more work done at the end of it. With next week becoming nearly a full week of just getting on with my own work, no structure at all, I think it would be a good chance to see if I can achieve well in a Self Directed Classroom.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Weekly Reflection

This week I ended up finishing a lot of my activities I had to do and I really feel like I'm doing really well at my Self Directed Learning. Some activities I finished off include my Scratch (coding), completed my maths buddy revision, and I also finished my farm P.M.I. Even though I did have one day off I am still completing a lot of work, I am beginning to enjoy being a Self Directed Learner.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

This Day In History

This day in history is something we participate in Ruma C every morning. It involves searching up what happened on this day, but a different year. With our creation, we also have to do a so what. A so what is when we explain why this is important to know, and why we should learn about these things. Today we chose to do use a coding website for our creation on Auckland pedestrians begin 'Barnes Dance'. Thank you for looking at my blog.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Weekly Reflection

*Things has changed at the school and things will change some more. What will this look like for you? Will you change?
* Question
I  think that this school has changed a lot, our Principle has changed, we used to have a different teacher, but sometimes it is good for a change I think and LBS will look much different in the future. I am really excited for my last year in primary school, and I want to make it the best year yet.

Little Red Riding Hood Narrative


Once upon a dark, saddened time, there came a girl named Genevieve who loved caring for her old crippled Granny who lived in a nearby village. One glistening day, her mother called her into the kitchenette to break the news about Granny’s health.
“Genevieve! Poor Granny’s under the weather again and I insist that you leave her this apple-crumb cake that’s baking in the oven now. Do you remember what path to take to arrive at the cottage?” Asked mother.
“Indeed I do.” Genevieve said cheerily. 

With that being said, Genevieve skipped up the worn out wooden stairs that lead her to the bedroom where she placed the basket ready for the morning.

She awoke the next day with a pit of nerves deep in her stomach. Walking across the room, she buttoned up her red coat and slumped to breakfast cradling her packaged goods. Shortly after saying a brief goodbye to mother, she then headed out into the bitter cold weather in search for her Granny’s cottage.

After 30 minutes of shivering her way along the dirt road, there came a fork in the path. One way curved to the right, the other went a jagged left. At this point, Genevieve had to think persistently about what path to take.
“Must I go to the left, or the right?” pondered Genevieve.
“Do you need some help young lady?” A gravelly voice spoke behind her. Genevieve turned to see a dark grey wolf-like animal somewhat smiling at her.
“Granny is unwell, so I have come to give her some home baking. The problem is, I can’t remember which way to turn!” As Genevieve said this, her voice started to crack as if she would burst into tears.
“Well, why don’t you take the left path! It’s very quick..” The wolf sniggered.
“That sounds great, thanks for helping me!” said Genevieve relieved, taking off down the dusty path.

Although the wolf said that the path she had taken was a quick short route, Genevieve couldn’t help but think that he had tricked her into something disastrous. She had been walking along the dirt road for what had seemed like hours now, and every bit further she got, she became a little bit more worried.

Whilst Genevieve was on the verge of tears, the wolf was processing a cunning plan to eat the grandmother, then pretend to be her when Genevieve knocked on the door; so then he could gobble her up too! He raced along the opposite path that Genevieve took and in no time he was at the doorstep knocking on the door, innocently pretending to be Genevieve.
“Granny? Are you there? I have some freshly baked cake for you to have a munch on!” The wolf said slyly.
“Oh Genny! I have been hoping you that you will show soon! Did mother send you? Granny said wondering.
The wolf didn’t know what to say, Genevieve had never said anything about mother.
“Ah, that doesn’t matter!” the wolf said nervously. “How do I come in?”
“Pop the latch and lift the handle.” Granny spoke softly; not knowing what a mess she was getting herself into. The wolf let himself in and came threw the door. He jumped on Granny, careful not to tear the clothing that he would wear shortly after, and enjoyed his late lunch of an old lady. Licking his lips, he jumped into her slightly bloody clothes, walked over to her bed and made himself comfortable while he waited for Genevieve.

In the meantime while all of this was happening, Genevieve had calmed herself and continued walking, and noticed that the wolf hadn’t lied about the path as it did indeed lead her to Granny's house. She came to the porch and knock-knock-knocked on the door.
“Granny? Mother has sent me some delicious home baking for you!” Genevieve said proudly.
“Oh Genny! I was hoping that you would show soon! Did mother send you?” The wolf said imitating Granny perfectly.
“Oh yes she did! Granny, how do I come in?” Genevieve asked.
“Pop the latch and lift the handle dear.” said the wolf, licking his lips.
Genevieve entered Granny’s little cottage and headed to the bedroom area.
“My, What big ears you have!” said Genevieve, intrigued.
“The better to hear you with, darling” Said the wolf sweetly.
“But Granny, what big eyes you have!” Said the granddaughter, a tad spooked now.
“The better to see you with, sweetness” The wolf said, a little agitated about all of the questions.
“Must I say, what big teeth you have!” Said Genevieve backing away.
“THE BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH, DELICIOUS LITTLE GIRL!” Yelled the wolf, jumping out of bed and chasing the frightened girl around the bedroom.

After many minutes of the chase game, Genevieve, only just a little girl became tired and started to slow down. To the wolf, this was the perfect opportunity to eat her up. With his mouth open wide, she wolf pounced on the little girl and gobbled her up. The wolf, now the size of a full scale motorbike, layed down onto the bed and fell contently asleep; dreaming about more yummy humans to eat next time.

The End

Show, Not Tell.

Instead of writing a short paragragh, today we had to change the sentence 'I was happy' into something much better, below is my new sentence.

The feeling of pure contentment overcame her body at an instant as she stood in the doorway,
cherishing the admiration these lovely people had for her.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Quick Write

The night was a cold one, clouds covered the darkened sky making it hard for the moon to shine. Sven and I sat on the couch in the centre of the action packed lavatory, silently watching for the beacon to activate. I could hear Sven praying underneath his breath; I knew how much this scientific breakthrough meant to him. Closing my eyes, I drifting into my thoughts when a heard a faint, puff. Sven erupted in a fit of screams as I jumped with glee of our achievement that no one had ever thought of pursuing.

“The cats out of the bag now!” Sven cried happily as the the beacon fizzed and whirred.


This Day In History

This day in history is something we participate in Ruma C every morning. It involves searching up what happened on this day, but a different year. With our creation, we also have to do a so what. A so what is when we explain why this is important to know, and why we should learn about these things. Today we chose to do a blackout shot. Thank you for looking at my blog.

Friday, August 10, 2018

My Weekly Reflection!

My weekly reflection

So far during this whole term, I am really happy with how I am managing my time, and I feel like I am on task doing what I need to do. For the next two weeks, I am really going to work on my Little Red Riding Hood story, and my scratch about Little Red Riding Hood too. The reason my I am working on these things is because every two weeks the class reads a different fairy tale. The first time we read it, it is the modified fairy-tale that we read today, the second time we read it it is the original. I feel as if I am not doing much maths-wise, because I finish my weekly questions quite quick, so instead of that I am going to be working hard for my Khan maths.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

5 Minute Quick Write!

The park was silent, as the full moon shone on the swings; the misty night air chilling everything in it's path. The night was light by stars, not a man kind contraption in sight. Taking a deep breath, I can feel the blow of the wind, breathing down my neck like a living animal, and the damp grass enclosing my feet in bitter frost. I struggle to back away from the park, but I am immobile, like my body is frozen in awe of the beauty of the night. Have I been here before? Am I in a dream? I ponder to myself. I yell out in search for anyone who was around, I open my mouth to talk, but the words won't fall into place.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Quick Write

This is my Quick Write of today. My goal was to write a backstory on an imaginary character.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

My Weekly Reflection

I think that this week I achieved much more than I did the week before. I achieved what I needed to finsih, like my scratch game of The Three Little Pigs, and my story, which I will be posting on my blog soon. Here are the pros and cons of what I did and achieved this week.
I had finished my story on scratch (Which I will be posting soon)
My story of the three little pigs, (Which I will be posting soon)
I have also started on my watercolour portfolio, and I can't wait to continue it to see how much progress I have made.

I think I need to spend more time working on my paperclip challenge (which I haven't even started yet!)
Also I need to work on my personal project, that I need to finish by the end of this term. (Which again, I haven't even started yet either.)

This Day In History

Monday, July 30, 2018

5 Minute Quick Write

Before you read this piece of writing, I only had 5 minutes to write, edit and re-read my writing so if I have made mistakes, I am very sorry.

Ever since she was a little girl, she always wanted to be two things. A paperback writer, and a huge inspiration to children as well as adults. ‘Supa Surlay’ (real name Shurlay Spirks) unfortunately passed at age 168, but achieved the pinnacle of so many awards that many had never thought of attaining. Surlay didn’t believe in anyone but herself; meaning she had all the time in the world to commit to her everyday book goals. What is this you may ask? Everyday Supa Surlay drove herself to write a 200 page book about anything in the whole entire world.

On this day: 30th July..

On this day in history..

On the 30th July 2008, my sister Tara was born. This may not be very significant to the whole wide world, but it is for my family. Throughout our 10 years of fighting, having fun and being ordinary annoying sisters, I’m very grateful that I’m related to her. We aren't really ‘perfect’ sisters, we fight about the silliest things heaps of times, then we somehow make it up in a matter of minutes. Overall, I’m not sure what our memorable moment is together, I guess I kind of forgot! Although, I’m sure we will make more and more memories together throughout our whole lifetime.

Friday, July 27, 2018

My Weekly Reflection

Every two weeks, I am going to do a reflection about the weeks at school. Every time I do this, I am going to set a goal for me to work on, and reflect about what I could have done better.

What I did well this week:
I believe I listened to instructions
Used my time well do get on with work

By the end of next week I want to finish:
My scratch about the three little pigs,
My gruesome version of the three little wolves,
Lastly, I want to finish my Khan Academy 4th grade so I can improve on my maths.

Thank you for taking the time for reading my blog, I hope you comment!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

This Day In History 26.7.18

Flood kill 25 miners in Central Otago 1863

Facts By Emily Tess and Tara

Why do we need to know this, and why is this so important?

Because it’s how we made money in the olden days to survive. Without the miners, New Zealand wouldn’t have a networth like today, we wouldn’t have the things we do now, if we didn’t mine. We can also relate to this because we have the Pike River mine near where we live, and it was devastating when it exploded; killing many. Many miners lost their lives in the mines, it is a dangerous place and we are fine with the fact that we are sending people down to the mines with the risk of them dying.

The flash floods that killed the miners were in north east in Queenstown.

Link to website - LINK

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Quick Write

This is my quick write from today. It is a storyboard of the story about the Three little pigs, I hope you enjoy!

This Day In History

On this day, the 25th July 1832 was the first railroad accident recorded in the U.S. Four people were thrown off empty car on the Granite Railway near Quincy, Massachusetts (which is a state in America). The victims of the  accident had been invited to watch the process of transporting large, heavy stones. A cable had snapped on a vacant car on the trip back. The cart fell off a 34-foot cliff (10m), killing one man and the others were seriously injured.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

5 Minute Quick Write

Everyday our teacher gives us a topic to write about, but there is a catch. We can only write about it for 5 minutes. This is my quick write from today.

Also, this piece of writing isn't real.

My cousin is a superhero and I am the assistant, we help people throughout the day whilst having HEAPS of fun doing it. We don’t always have to be superheros though, we could be animals, or we could just be ourselves. Although one day, everything changed. We went a place called SeaLifeShark**, and we got to swim with sharks! We suited up in our wetsuits and took the plunge into the water. We didn’t have a cage or anything to keep us save, and the worst thing just happened; A shark started to circle us. We were scared out of our minds, my cousin said that everything would be alright but it wasn’t. I knew it wasn’t. The shark circled my cousin numerous times, until it sank its teeth into his leg, and didn’t let go. That day my cousin nearly died, as well as I got the biggest scare of my life.

** this isn't a real thing

Monday, July 23, 2018

My Holiday Recount

My holidays were jam-packed, fun and exciting. I had a great time learning at a horse clinic in Christchurch, I went around to a friends house and saw a movie, as well as many more fun things. Overall my favourite event of the whole holidays would have to be the horse event I did on last Saturday. I have built lots of confidence between my pony and I, and I feel now that I am enjoying my events that I do with Skippy, having a great time. The event was my second 80cm, and I felt like I did much better than my first. The dressage wasn't the best, I think because Skippy wanted to get on with the jumping phases! Although, I got a clear on my showjumping, and just one stop in my cross country. Even though I did get one stop, the course was really challenging and it made me think about my decisions going into the jumps. Overall I had heaps of fun and I can't wait to do more with my pony!

Quick Write About My Pony

If I could excogitate something, I would make an identical version of my pony, Skippy. I would somehow put all of her thoughts and emotions into the new version, making it impossible to tell her different from the real thing. The only part of her I would change, is her size. I would make her into either a full size pony, or a hack (horse). I would do this so then I could continue riding her, even if I get to big, I’d simply move onto the even bigger Skippy! I’d love to make this because I’d really like to continue to ride her, even when I do grow out of her. This would also help not looking for another horse, costing lots of money. With this idea, you can save money, and continue riding your horse that you never want to grow out of!

Excogitate means to plan something.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

My Venn Diagram about Prebiotics and Probiotics

This is my Prebiotics and Probiotics Venn diagram. The reason why I did this is because this terms topic is about food as my Venn diagram helped me a lot with my explanation writing. Prebiotics and Probiotics both help grow healthy gut bacteria. 

My Mould Experiment!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Fermentation Process: Fermented Lemons, Salsa and French Fries.

How To Prevent Obesity: Explanation Writing.

How to prevent obesity 

By Tess Morgan.

New Zealand is a little green bean on the world map, yet we are capable of so many brilliant things, like our rugby, equestrian, and many more of our achievements. Although there is one thing that around 30% of New Zealanders do struggle with, a particular part is obesity, and eating healthy. A study of obesity scales showed that New Zealand is currently third in the world ranking, and rapidly moving up this chart to the brink of becoming second. Do we really want this for our nation? Do we want to be known for our obesity and eating problems for such a small country compared to the US whom which is in first place? If we go all the way back to what we genuinely eat and embed into our blood and bodies, this is how the problem of obesity and numerous types of diabetes has all started. Thankfully, It’s not too late to change our concrete ways, to have a greater wellbeing, to eat nutrient-filled foods for the sake of ourselves, as well as the benefit of our country. 

Figuring out about the many ways a healthier diet can decrease the chance of disease, incorporating fruit and vegetables into meals, how overindulgence of unhealthy foods can affect your immune system and eating enough probiotics and prebiotics is the first step to living a advantageous, beneficial life.

Decreasing Diseases with natural fruits and Vegetables

To begin, Fruit and vegetables decrease the chance of many diseases, like heart disease, high blood pressure and some cancers. Cancer is like a severe battleground and without acting fast, cancer can be deadly. With so many categories of this horrible sickness we have to make sure we have the right balance in the foods we eat. Without the nutrition in fruit and vegetables, blood pressure can rise and the risk of cancers will ultimately have a much higher chance to overcome your body. Although, if you’re eating a variety of different colours of vegetables and fruits full of many different vitamins; your health can change dramatically. Instead of feeling tired and grumpy, you will have much more energy to do things you’d love to do; as well as feeling much better with yourself and your immune system. There are many fabulous ways to involve vegetables into a meal.

Involving vegetables into everyday meals

Secondly, a great way to incorporate vegetables into your diet is to merge it into different meals to add hints of flavour. In addition to a great taste from the delicious colours in your meal, there is many healthy outcomes in vegetables like fibre for a nourished gut biome, many vitamins like L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and potassium to help lower blood pressure, to sustain a full, healthy lifestyle. Vitamin C is found in various amounts of fruits like mandarins and oranges, as it is great to heal inflamed tissue in numerous parts of the body and; to provide help to fight bugs. With all of this goodness involved in your once unhealthy dinner, your meal has now changed to be an enriched supper with wholesome goodness to help your immune system. 

In turn, if you are eating the wrong foods it affects our bodies immune system dramatically. Our immune system is like an individual living person, if we give it the wrong food, then it effects how our immune system works. If you continue to feed your immune system unnatural meals and snacks, the immune system will getting weaker; making you feel weaker. The more someone eats unnatural sugar and fat, this unhealthy menace adds itself into the blood providing you with an energy rush or a sugar ‘high’. Once this energy rush has finished, it will leave you feeling bloated, tired and craving for more sugar to have that sugar ‘high’ again. If you let this go on and on, short term may be fine, but this lifestyle will affect your long term life and influence the future ahead; leaving you to high blood pressure, the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Another way to dodge these destructive illnesses is to regularly involve your diet with prebiotics and probiotics. 

How prebiotics and probiotics can help

To conclude, Prebiotics and probiotics are soldiers, fighting back against bad bacteria. These two are commonly mistaken for a spelling error although they are two different things altogether. Prebiotics are found in plenty of vegetables and fruits; they also provide help and feed the good bacteria called probiotics. These are found in many dairy products as well as fruit and vegetables. These two bacterias play a huge part in gut health, and absorbing nutrients from foods you eat. If you aren't eating enough of these bacterias, your body won’t have a balanced diet and your colon, skin and gut will be full of substandard bacteria.

In the end

Overall, 30% of our nation is obese and suffering the consequences including children, males and females, this makes us third, in the world obesity rate. We have so many options to choose fruit over deep fried chips, vegetables over a chocolate chip biscuit and providing our gut with natural and healthy bacteria. Do we really want to represent our ‘proud’ country as obese, unhealthy humans? I wouldn’t.

Monday, May 7, 2018

On This Day Of NZ History, May 7th 1864

By Emily and Tess
About it-
On May 7th 1846 a devastating landslide hit Lake Taupō. Sixty people were killed by the landslide, including the then paramount Chief. This landslide has held the record ever since May 7th 1846  for the highest death toll from a landslide. The horrific landslide was caused by a smaller landslide that shut off a river causing the water flow to build up. After 3 days later the water pressure became to immence for the land to take. What was holding the water crumbled apart, causing the unblocked force of the water swept up trees, rocks, and earth causing an avalanche. The avalanche swept into the lake, bringing people down with it, with only a few lucky survivors.

In 1910, yet another landslide took another life near the old site of Te Rapa. After the 2 devastating landslides the village was abandoned, hoping to prevent deaths.

So what?-
We think that this is important to know because it killed a lot of people at our biggest lake in New Zealand. It also shows what has happened in our history in our country. As well as taking the lives of 61 people, the landslide also killed a maori chief, Mananui Te Heuheu Tūkino II.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

My Holidays!

My Holidays

In the holidays I went to the movie cinema with friends, went cross country training on my pony, Skippy,  and saw my sisters house for the first time, and many more fun things. I went to the movies to see A Wrinkle In Time with my friend, Ruby. I loved the movie and I'd definitely watch it again, and it was heaps of fun watching it with a friend! I went out riding lots, but unfortunately I went to go and get Skippy in for a ride, and she had a cut on her leg and it was very swollen so I couldn't ride her for a while. I went to my sisters house for the day and we rode her horses which was heaps of fun. We went to go and see a movie called Peter Rabbit and it was very funny, it was great to spend some time with my sister. One of my friends EJ, came over and we went to the swimming pools, and watched a movie called Sherlock Gnomes and had a great time there. Since I am part of a hockey team, my coach set up some training days which was really worthwhile and lots of fun. Overall, I had a great holiday with my friends and family!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Home Links Week 11 - Facts About My Pony, Skippy!

How To Be A Good Equestrian

Image result for burghley xc equestrian gamekeepers bush

This week In class, we have been writing an explanation-instructional piece of writing. We got to choose what we wrote on, so I decided to do how to be a good equestrian. I am very proud on how much I achieved. My creation that I decided to do, is reading it aloud in the video above. I hope you enjoy my writing!

Monday, April 9, 2018

My Weekend Journal!

On Saturday, It was also my golden retriever Shadow's third birthday so we gave him a big yummy treat. Also that day, Mum, Tara and I woke up early to go to Westport for some Cross Country training. We went there for about the whole day and it was really worth while. I have gained lots of confidence and I'm super excited to do some more eventing! On Sunday it wasn't the best of weather, so we didn't do too much that day. I had a great weekend and I can't wait for my next horse event!

Alan Gratz Interview With Mary and Emily

For my last reading task for the amazing book, Refugee, Emily, Mary and I decided to do a book review - interview with the author of Refugee, Alan Gratz. I was the interviewer, Emily was the 'crazy' fan, and Mary was Mr Gratz. I hope you enjoy our video and learn some new facts about Alan, and why we love the book Refugee!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Weekend Journal!

On Saturday, I climbed my first mountain, Mt Te Kinga. I went with my brother, and my dog, Shadow. It was heaps of fun and the lookouts were amazing. The further we got up, the more challenging it was. We got up to about the forth lookout, fifth being at the top, and we decided that we would go back, as I was quite tired! Next time it is a sunny weekend, my brother, Shadow and I are going to climb up again but to the top this time! On Sunday, we opened our Easter eggs and we relaxed at home. Mum, Shadow, Tara and I went for a bike ride through Moana, and the cars and boats there were packed full. There was a lot of people there, and a lot of people were in the lake. We passed a couple of people when we went through the bush walks. On Monday, I rode Skippy for the first time in about two weeks. I had heaps of fun and I think she did too! The rest of the weekend I didn't do too much, but I watched a couple of movies with Tara.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Balloon Science With Mary!

Today, we had a special visitor Mr Cook! He taught us a really cool experiment to do involving balloons, a bottle, and hot water! It was lots of fun to do and I'd definitely do it again!

Home Links Wk9 - Facts About France!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Pinky Maths - Holiday Budgeting!

This week for my Pinky Maths Group, we practiced applying our decimal knowledge to a real life situation. We all chose where we wanted to go and I chose to go to Sri Lanka, because it is quite active!

How To Make Potato Wedges!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Acrostic Poem: Refugee Reading Task Mahmoud

Running for my life, trying to stay alive
Exasperated from our long journey 
Furious for waiting for the boat
Under fire trying to escape
Gasping for air, lying on the ground
Everyday this is happening, this is not fair
Entering country to country

Home Links Wk 8 - SWF Maths

Instructional Writing: How To Make Raro!

we have been reminding ourselves on how to write instructions. Yesterday, we made Raro, and afterwards we made a scaffold, then we wrote our instructions on how to make Raro!

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Weekend Journal!

On Saturday Mum, Tara and I woke up early to go to Christchurch for my first ODE for the season. This time, instead of doing 65cm, I decided to push myself to do 80cm. We got their the night before and we did some cross country training near the event, and got Skippy shod at the same time. Once we had finished training, we drove to the place the ODE was held, and started walking my courses and plaiting Skippy up for the dressage. The next day we had a tiny bit of a sleep-in and we got up at 7:30, my dressage was at 12:00pm. whilst we waited I went and walked my courses again, and grazed Skip. Overall, My dressage went really well, and I got a pretty good score too. Next it was showjumping, and I got clear which was really good too! Next it was the hardest part, the cross country. Unfortunately Skippy wasn't in her rhythm when we started, so we had a stop at fence number one. It went great until fence number 10, which was a corner, and she swerved out of that one too. But, we came back into it and she jumped it great. Overall I had three stops out of 21 jumps, and I think that I did really well, because it was quite a hard course compared to the little 65's I'm used to. I can't wait to go again!

Home Links Wk 7 - Making A Crossword!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Refugee Reading Task: The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark has a distinctive white stomach and a grey-blue top half of their body. They can live up to 70 or more years, just like a human. The biggest of the Great Whites can grow up to 20 feet, or about 6 metres, but most are smaller. Female Great Whites are longer than the males, measuring up to about 15-16 feet long. They are mostly mistaken for the Mako shark, Porbeagle or the Bronze Whaler. It is illegal in New Zealand to trade in Great White products, and also illegal to take or harm these creatures, and the must be returned to the ocean immediately. Young Great Whites eat smaller prey, including fish, rays, or other sharks. Older Great Whites go for larger meals, like Sea Lions, Seals, otters, sea turtles and whales, such as Belugas. Great Whites swallow their food, as they do not chew. They are ranked #1 on the deadliest sharks to humans, and there is around 80 unprovoked attacks to humans per year.

I used this website here to get most of my information.

Refugee Reading Creation:

This week for one of my reading creations Bridget, Cameron, Eden and I did a video of Josef's dad jumping off the St Louis and people screaming man overboard, with Josef desperately trying to catch up with his father. I did this creation with my classmates, Eden, Cameron and Bridget. I was the camera-man and the editor for this creation!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

WALT: Add Decimals By Applying Our Known Strategies

Overall I really enjoyed doing this task with the members of Pinky Maths Group. I am very happy with my prediction, because it wasn't far off! Also I think that the way I worked it out my estimation was quite successful, and I'd love to do this activity again!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Pick A Path Story Creation!

Overall, I am really happy with my story and how it looks, and I also really enjoy this type of writing. I like this sort of writing because we can enjoy and have fun making the story but also reading it too. It's great to because this type of writing you can basically write anything you want to do, whether  It's in space, in the classroom, or at home! I hope you enjoy reading my Pick-A-Path!

My Weekend Journal!

On Saturday Mum, Tara and I went for a horse ride down at Iveagh Bay. Before we went, I begged mum for me to take Shadow, my dog for a walk with us too. She said yes and I told her my plan to take him with me. I would lead him off Skippy, and I had already practiced leading him at home. Once we were on our ride, Shadow was really good and he was really well behaved. We had a great ride and had a fun time. On Sunday Mum, Tara and I went for a bike ride and we took Shadow with us again. After that we went for a swim but it was a bit cold! I had a really fun weekend overall.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Refugee Reading Task: Mahmoud's Story With Bridget And Eden

For one of my reading tasks, Bridget, Eden and I made a video creation of when Mahmoud and his family (from our class book Refugee) tried to stay somewhere warm and dry, but a Turkish man stopped them. He asked for a lot of money, per family member to stay one night. Mahmoud's father said no and tried to find somewhere else to sleep.

Home Links Wk 6: Reading

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bowl-A-Fact With Tess!

Today in my maths group, Pinky, we played bowl a fact. I think I did quite well but next time I'm going to try and get all ten. Here is my learning and working out.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Autobiography Creation!

We did this piece of art to get to know our classmates, since new people came into Ruma J this year. First we got a clear piece of paper, then started tracing our hands in different parts of the paper. next we ruled some lines in, then got to work painting all the different parts of our art. whilst we did all of this, we spent time writing our poems to suit our lives, what we are proud of, what we like and dislike and many more. Here is a video of me reading my poem. I hope you enjoy - hopefully learning new things about me!

Weekend Journal!

This weekend I had another horse event at Kokatahi PC. Tara and I were both entered in pony club classes and I had also entered in the showjumping, 75cm and 85cm. The morning went really well for me, but unfortunately Cricket Tara's pony went lame in one of his front legs and my pony Skippy was the suspect of kicking him in the paddock. Since Tara had to pull Cricket out of the pony club classes I was the only one in my family who was doing the event. Once I had finished the classes, Skippy stayed in the shade while I walked my showjumping course. Once it was time for me to hop on Skippy I walked her around with my friend and her horse and then started to properly work her in. When it was my turn to go and do my showjumping, I did the course over in my head one more time then the bell rang for me to start. I had gotten into the second round but unfortunately she dropped a rail in the jump off, but I came out with 4th place! In the 85cm I lost my way twice but fixed it up just in time, and I was really happy with the round and ended up coming 1st in the 85cm. When we had finished Mum called me over while the judge in my pony club ring was holding my pony. She presented me with a reserve champion ribbon and I was very pleased. After I had finished I asked my friends if they would like to come and have an ice cream with me so I hung out with them for a while and I had heaps of fun. I am very excited to do another event this weekend coming up. Hopefully I do well there too!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

First Weekend Journal Of 2018!

My weekend was full of fun, Ferris wheels and horses. On Friday, I left school early to go to Reefton racecourse A&P show.  Tara and I were both entered, Tara was in the pony club classes and I was verseing her in them too, but also was doing the 70 and 80 showjumping. Our pony club classes went really well, I was beating Tara in some (most) and she bet me in a little. I got into the champion paced and mannered, and the competition was so amazing, I was in awe as some of them did the extended trot. I didn't get placed in my champion paced and mannered, but I am still very happy that I got the opportunity to get in and give it a go. As for the champion pony club class, Tara and I both got in! We both got champion, but Tara had Champion, and I got reserve champion. That means that Tara won the whole pony club class, and I got second to her. I had heaps of fun, and there was no poor sports between me and Tara - so now that means we can verse each more often which I'd love to do since it was heaps of fun! This was a great weekend I hope to do more A&P shows in the future!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Summer Learning Journey! (Bonus)

Everyone’s family is unique. What makes your family special? Choose three people close to you and ask them what their two favourite things to do in summer are.

On your blog, write two fun facts about each person.

My Mum:
1. Nice evening walks
2. Horse riding

My Sister:
1. Riding her pony
2. Sleeping in

My Dad:
1. Sailing
2. Motorbiking