Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Statisical Investigation

Last term we carried out a statistical investigation. First, we decided what to do it on, like how many cards do you think there is in this box, and many more. At first I had trouble finding what I wanted to do it on and then I saw the class teddy box. I did my statistical investigation on how many teddies do you think are in the box? 
This is what the data shows:
7 more people had the estimates in the range 10-14 more than the 5-9 range.
No estimates were in the 0-4 range
The most estimates fell in the 10-14 range

Persuasive Writing Speech

During term 3 we have been writing persuasive speeches. First, we chose what to write about, something you are very strong about and believe in most. My topic I was very passionate about was Factory farming must be banned. I used high modality words, facts that relate to each of my points, and different types of sentences to keep the audience listening.

What I could have done better next time:
Clearer voice so everyone can hear me.
Try not to trail off at the end of my sentences.
Stop fidgeting.