Thursday, April 13, 2017

Narrative learning: Francis

This term Ruma J has been writing narratives. We didn't have really any boundaries or rules to who the characters were -  (that's what I liked most!) Some of the class used the Game Of Awesome (GOA) to get their story; but I used the literacy shed because it has a lot of variety. I hope you enjoy me reading my story to you.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Weekend Journal

On the weekend I had a hockey 6 people on a time game ( I've forgotten what it's called! ), and the weather wasn't the nicest. I scored 2 goals and I was happy how I played. On Sunday, Mum, Tara and I went for a big 3 hour ride at the state farm next to my friend, Emily Jane's house on Sunday. My dad made the track to get to the actual ride, so then we don't have to go on the main road with the horse float.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Weekend Journal

On Saterday Mum, Tara, Skippy and Cricket ( the horses ) and I went to Westport for an ODE. ODE's is short for one day events. It involves dressage, showjumping and cross country. I entered Skippy and Cricket in 65cm. This was my last event on Cricket because I'm nearly too big for him. Mum and I thought it was quite ironic because I got 1st on Cricket, and I was very proud, and 2nd on Skippy! It was a very successful weekend, but I still don't want to get off Cricket.