Sunday, December 31, 2017

Summer Learning Journey! (4)

During the early years in New Zealand, men and women would often marry at a young age. Women were expected to have babies and remain in the home caring for their children. Few, if any, left home in search of work. Men, on the other hand, were expected to work outside of the home.

What is your dream job? Draw a picture of yourself doing your dream job and post it on your blog.

My Drawing:
(I'm not much of a drawer, so I may have stenciled a bit!)

My dream job is to become a professional Show jumper and travel the world on the showjumping circuit, with sponsors helping me getting to where I need to go. I would also shoe horses to help fund the money for my travelling with my horses.


  1. Hi Tess

    You have created a fantastic drawing of your dream job. I am not surprised that you want to be a show jumper, because you already have seven ponies at your house. You obviously love horses!
    I really like that you have also thought about just how it would be possible to do this. With having sponsors to help pay for things and that you would also do work like shoeing the horses to help pay for you travel.
    If you win an event, do you get money? Do you know roughly how much?
    That would also come in handy if you did get money.

    Do you enter events now?
    Are all of the seven ponies yours? You are lucky to have so many.
    Do you have a favourite?
    I would love to see a picture of them, if you can get one!

    I really like watching the eventing when its on the television at the Olympics. New Zealand usually does quite well at the different events.

    Well done

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie,
      the prize money varies since there is so many events to choose from. Yes I have done events before but mostly showjumping, and the highest I've done is 1m! I wrote the about me text about 2 years ago now, so my family doesn't have seven horses now. We have four, and my one is definitely the favorite to me! I do have lots of pictures of her, so I'd love for you to see one!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.