Monday, February 12, 2018

Weekend Journal!

This weekend I had another horse event at Kokatahi PC. Tara and I were both entered in pony club classes and I had also entered in the showjumping, 75cm and 85cm. The morning went really well for me, but unfortunately Cricket Tara's pony went lame in one of his front legs and my pony Skippy was the suspect of kicking him in the paddock. Since Tara had to pull Cricket out of the pony club classes I was the only one in my family who was doing the event. Once I had finished the classes, Skippy stayed in the shade while I walked my showjumping course. Once it was time for me to hop on Skippy I walked her around with my friend and her horse and then started to properly work her in. When it was my turn to go and do my showjumping, I did the course over in my head one more time then the bell rang for me to start. I had gotten into the second round but unfortunately she dropped a rail in the jump off, but I came out with 4th place! In the 85cm I lost my way twice but fixed it up just in time, and I was really happy with the round and ended up coming 1st in the 85cm. When we had finished Mum called me over while the judge in my pony club ring was holding my pony. She presented me with a reserve champion ribbon and I was very pleased. After I had finished I asked my friends if they would like to come and have an ice cream with me so I hung out with them for a while and I had heaps of fun. I am very excited to do another event this weekend coming up. Hopefully I do well there too!

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