Tuesday, August 21, 2018

This Day In History

This day in history is something we participate in Ruma C every morning. It involves searching up what happened on this day, but a different year. With our creation, we also have to do a so what. A so what is when we explain why this is important to know, and why we should learn about these things. Today we chose to do use a coding website for our creation on Auckland pedestrians begin 'Barnes Dance'. Thank you for looking at my blog.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Weekly Reflection

*Things has changed at the school and things will change some more. What will this look like for you? Will you change?
* Question
I  think that this school has changed a lot, our Principle has changed, we used to have a different teacher, but sometimes it is good for a change I think and LBS will look much different in the future. I am really excited for my last year in primary school, and I want to make it the best year yet.

Little Red Riding Hood Narrative


Once upon a dark, saddened time, there came a girl named Genevieve who loved caring for her old crippled Granny who lived in a nearby village. One glistening day, her mother called her into the kitchenette to break the news about Granny’s health.
“Genevieve! Poor Granny’s under the weather again and I insist that you leave her this apple-crumb cake that’s baking in the oven now. Do you remember what path to take to arrive at the cottage?” Asked mother.
“Indeed I do.” Genevieve said cheerily. 

With that being said, Genevieve skipped up the worn out wooden stairs that lead her to the bedroom where she placed the basket ready for the morning.

She awoke the next day with a pit of nerves deep in her stomach. Walking across the room, she buttoned up her red coat and slumped to breakfast cradling her packaged goods. Shortly after saying a brief goodbye to mother, she then headed out into the bitter cold weather in search for her Granny’s cottage.

After 30 minutes of shivering her way along the dirt road, there came a fork in the path. One way curved to the right, the other went a jagged left. At this point, Genevieve had to think persistently about what path to take.
“Must I go to the left, or the right?” pondered Genevieve.
“Do you need some help young lady?” A gravelly voice spoke behind her. Genevieve turned to see a dark grey wolf-like animal somewhat smiling at her.
“Granny is unwell, so I have come to give her some home baking. The problem is, I can’t remember which way to turn!” As Genevieve said this, her voice started to crack as if she would burst into tears.
“Well, why don’t you take the left path! It’s very quick..” The wolf sniggered.
“That sounds great, thanks for helping me!” said Genevieve relieved, taking off down the dusty path.

Although the wolf said that the path she had taken was a quick short route, Genevieve couldn’t help but think that he had tricked her into something disastrous. She had been walking along the dirt road for what had seemed like hours now, and every bit further she got, she became a little bit more worried.

Whilst Genevieve was on the verge of tears, the wolf was processing a cunning plan to eat the grandmother, then pretend to be her when Genevieve knocked on the door; so then he could gobble her up too! He raced along the opposite path that Genevieve took and in no time he was at the doorstep knocking on the door, innocently pretending to be Genevieve.
“Granny? Are you there? I have some freshly baked cake for you to have a munch on!” The wolf said slyly.
“Oh Genny! I have been hoping you that you will show soon! Did mother send you? Granny said wondering.
The wolf didn’t know what to say, Genevieve had never said anything about mother.
“Ah, that doesn’t matter!” the wolf said nervously. “How do I come in?”
“Pop the latch and lift the handle.” Granny spoke softly; not knowing what a mess she was getting herself into. The wolf let himself in and came threw the door. He jumped on Granny, careful not to tear the clothing that he would wear shortly after, and enjoyed his late lunch of an old lady. Licking his lips, he jumped into her slightly bloody clothes, walked over to her bed and made himself comfortable while he waited for Genevieve.

In the meantime while all of this was happening, Genevieve had calmed herself and continued walking, and noticed that the wolf hadn’t lied about the path as it did indeed lead her to Granny's house. She came to the porch and knock-knock-knocked on the door.
“Granny? Mother has sent me some delicious home baking for you!” Genevieve said proudly.
“Oh Genny! I was hoping that you would show soon! Did mother send you?” The wolf said imitating Granny perfectly.
“Oh yes she did! Granny, how do I come in?” Genevieve asked.
“Pop the latch and lift the handle dear.” said the wolf, licking his lips.
Genevieve entered Granny’s little cottage and headed to the bedroom area.
“My, What big ears you have!” said Genevieve, intrigued.
“The better to hear you with, darling” Said the wolf sweetly.
“But Granny, what big eyes you have!” Said the granddaughter, a tad spooked now.
“The better to see you with, sweetness” The wolf said, a little agitated about all of the questions.
“Must I say, what big teeth you have!” Said Genevieve backing away.
“THE BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH, DELICIOUS LITTLE GIRL!” Yelled the wolf, jumping out of bed and chasing the frightened girl around the bedroom.

After many minutes of the chase game, Genevieve, only just a little girl became tired and started to slow down. To the wolf, this was the perfect opportunity to eat her up. With his mouth open wide, she wolf pounced on the little girl and gobbled her up. The wolf, now the size of a full scale motorbike, layed down onto the bed and fell contently asleep; dreaming about more yummy humans to eat next time.

The End

Show, Not Tell.

Instead of writing a short paragragh, today we had to change the sentence 'I was happy' into something much better, below is my new sentence.

The feeling of pure contentment overcame her body at an instant as she stood in the doorway,
cherishing the admiration these lovely people had for her.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Quick Write

The night was a cold one, clouds covered the darkened sky making it hard for the moon to shine. Sven and I sat on the couch in the centre of the action packed lavatory, silently watching for the beacon to activate. I could hear Sven praying underneath his breath; I knew how much this scientific breakthrough meant to him. Closing my eyes, I drifting into my thoughts when a heard a faint, puff. Sven erupted in a fit of screams as I jumped with glee of our achievement that no one had ever thought of pursuing.

“The cats out of the bag now!” Sven cried happily as the the beacon fizzed and whirred.


This Day In History

This day in history is something we participate in Ruma C every morning. It involves searching up what happened on this day, but a different year. With our creation, we also have to do a so what. A so what is when we explain why this is important to know, and why we should learn about these things. Today we chose to do a blackout shot. Thank you for looking at my blog.

Friday, August 10, 2018

My Weekly Reflection!

My weekly reflection

So far during this whole term, I am really happy with how I am managing my time, and I feel like I am on task doing what I need to do. For the next two weeks, I am really going to work on my Little Red Riding Hood story, and my scratch about Little Red Riding Hood too. The reason my I am working on these things is because every two weeks the class reads a different fairy tale. The first time we read it, it is the modified fairy-tale that we read today, the second time we read it it is the original. I feel as if I am not doing much maths-wise, because I finish my weekly questions quite quick, so instead of that I am going to be working hard for my Khan maths.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

5 Minute Quick Write!

The park was silent, as the full moon shone on the swings; the misty night air chilling everything in it's path. The night was light by stars, not a man kind contraption in sight. Taking a deep breath, I can feel the blow of the wind, breathing down my neck like a living animal, and the damp grass enclosing my feet in bitter frost. I struggle to back away from the park, but I am immobile, like my body is frozen in awe of the beauty of the night. Have I been here before? Am I in a dream? I ponder to myself. I yell out in search for anyone who was around, I open my mouth to talk, but the words won't fall into place.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Quick Write

This is my Quick Write of today. My goal was to write a backstory on an imaginary character.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

My Weekly Reflection

I think that this week I achieved much more than I did the week before. I achieved what I needed to finsih, like my scratch game of The Three Little Pigs, and my story, which I will be posting on my blog soon. Here are the pros and cons of what I did and achieved this week.
I had finished my story on scratch (Which I will be posting soon)
My story of the three little pigs, (Which I will be posting soon)
I have also started on my watercolour portfolio, and I can't wait to continue it to see how much progress I have made.

I think I need to spend more time working on my paperclip challenge (which I haven't even started yet!)
Also I need to work on my personal project, that I need to finish by the end of this term. (Which again, I haven't even started yet either.)

This Day In History