Thursday, December 15, 2016

Year Reflection - Reveiw

The Major events this year were, Cross Country, Regent theater trip, Have a go sailing, Tree planting, overnighter, pet day and many more fun and exciting trips I had never been on before. My highlights this year were doing the bottle top art with Ms H, help planting tree's and seeing amazing views from the tree top walk in Hoki. My best part of the year was seeing my best friend coming back from Nepal and giving her the biggest hug. I'd like to thank the B.O.T for making all the really expensive trips so cheap. Next year I'm am looking forward to our camp at Bridge valley and going to technology. I have nearly mastered all of my times tables and gotten really confident with angles. I had fun baking lots of yummy treats at school while the year 7's were at tech. I am proud that I did all of my maths buddies and home links done in time and I think that they were all good. 
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Monday, December 12, 2016

Ruma J's Overnight Trip

Ruma J's OverNighter Mini P.M.I
  • I loved going on the tree top walk, since I have never been before.
  • There was no lake weed at Lake Kaniere.
  • The games were different and I had never played them before.

  • I was hiding in stinging nettle in spotlight!
  • The locals at the lake were being inappropriate and disrespectful. 
  • The lodge was 3 stories high
  • We went to the Greymouth pool instead of the Hokitika pool.

Watch the video to see the activities we did!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Arahua Marae Te Whanui

Want a link to an interactive Wharenui?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Sailing on our local lake!

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Sailing on our local lake!
On Friday the 4th November we went sailing on our local lake. There was a morning sailing for the beginners ( ones that have never been sailing before ) and and afternoon ( for the more experienced, where the wind was much stronger and more sailing could happen. ) I was in the afternoon sailing. The Sailing... Have A Go! team were called Dave, Russel, and Henry. My favorite part was  when we did the hair flip off the L'Oreal Paris Shampoo ad where she whips her hair and says " Because I'm worth it ". Our re - make was we leaned off the side off the side of the boat, dunked our hair in the water then flicked our hair and shouted out loud together " BECAUSE I'M WORTH IT! " One of my minus was that I think next time we should have a lot more time on the water. Overall I think it was a good day to go sailing and an great opportunity for us to go and have fun sailing on our local lake.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Logo Creation

Recently in Ruma J, we have been leaning about money. We have been using a website called banqer. Banqer is a bank simulator that is an online fake bank account but has all the real life bank features. The class has now been designing some logos for different companies that help the school, class, and community. My business partner named Prakriti and this is our logo. Our company is called K&K LTD. It provides a reminding service for the whole school. The reason why we decided to use these colors is because our company is associated with trust and loyalty. the black lines may seem to look like a diamond, but it is actually a K's turned facing each other. The reason why we named our company K&K is because I like the name Khloe, and Prakriti likes the name Kylie.

This is a company that we have just started. The company name is called K&K Blossoms. The reason why we chose these colors is because purple represents the loyalty and security in our company that you can trust. Every 2 days we sweep the blossoms off the concrete to make the community and school tidy.

This is our last company. It is called K&K Kares. This company provides a friendly helping hand to the school by checking the role of how many people there are today. I hope you like all three of our logos.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Writing - Harakeke Explanation

This term we have been learning how to write explanations. We first learned about Harakeke and Kakahu, then we decided which one we should write about, I chose to do Harakeke. Down below is me explaining the useful plant parts, protocols for harvesting, and what can be woven. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Current Events!

      Current Events
THREE Headlines that took my interest:
1  KFC releases chicken scented sunscreen
2 Chinese students pay to flush toilet
3 Man rescued after falling down toilet

Chosen article - title and author:

Handless 7 year old girl wins handwriting contest

1  Who was the main person in this article?
A seven year old named Anaya Ellick student born without hands.
2  What was the key event in this news article?
Anaya Ellick won a handwriting contest without hands. She managed to beat 50 other competitors!
In the US national spelling competition.
4 When did this event take place?
May 8th 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

St Johns came to school!

On the 2nd of August, we had a visitor from St Johns. Her name was Denise. She brought her CPR dummies, - all of them called Burt, and her little toy ambulance called Amby. 
First Denise taught us a game. We had to make a list of what we needed. Then She said the first scenario. There were a group of teenagers going for a 5 hour walk. and little Joe fell into the river. Then we had to cross out the stuff we used to keep him warm and safe. In other scenarios Joe started to get Hypothermia. My group was the group that won. The other groups killed Joe. I learnt a lot about the emergency blanket. Denise explained it as foil. Once you wrap the blanket around you, It keeps all your body warmth trapped in the blanket. Although if you are cold and wrap it around you, it will keep you cold because it doesn't have a source of warmth. My favorite part of the whole experience was getting my heart beat. Not like some other people I have a fast heart beat. And some in our class have slow heart beats. Next time I would like a little more time to do the CPR on the dummies. Thank you St Johns for coming to our school.Displaying IMG_4109.JPG
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Kiwi Kids Current Events, Toilet Themed Cafe Opened!

Current Events Date: 28.7.16
WALT: recall and summarise information from a text.
THREE Headlines that took my interest:
1 Trubridge breaks world record
2  Toilet themed cafe opens
3 Van Gogh's ear re-created

Chosen article - title and author: CLICK HERE FOR LINK

Toilet themed cafe opens

1 Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
QUEASY adj. nauseating, sickening; nauseous, sickened; feeling regretful; finicky, picky, choosy; meticulous, strict
RESTAURANT business where customers can purchase and eat meals
CAMPAIGN series of activities organized to accomplish a goal.
2  In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
A toilet themed cafe has opened up in indonesia. The cafe owner is a health expert and gives advice to his customers.
3 Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place
This took place in indonesia. The main course.. Brown meatballs in soup - served in a toilet bowl. And this isn’t the first one! There are cafes in Russia, and In taiwan in China. Delish!
4 explain what might happen in the future
In the future I think that there will be even more odd cafes. Like there is a cat cafe and toilets instead of seats!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Elgregoe came to town!

Recount and Remember

Today on the 21st  of June Mr magician Elgregoe  came to our Lake Brunner School to teach us about anti bulling but included some of his magic tricks... with animals! Some of the key messages of his teaching is:

Hands are for helping, not for hurting
Bullying is when it goes on and on and on
Physical, verbal, cyber, stealing
Treat others how you want to be treated
We are all different

Important Parts
My Favorite part of his show was when he did the floating woman trick.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Balloon experiment.

When tapping lightly on the balloon your ears can hear the noise loudly. When you blew up the balloon you forced the air molecules inside the balloon closer to each other. Because the air molecules inside the balloon are closer together, they become a better conductor of sound waves than the ordinary air around you.

Home Links Week 7

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Experimenting With Sound.

In Ruma J we have a literacy task about sound. This video here is  Bridget and I doing an experiment involving some water in glasses, a pencil and a solid object. If you're interested take a look at the video!